Sunday, September 7, 2014


Kids are amazing with language development.  Several years ago I had noticed a bilingual 5 year old named Daniel.  I observed him navigate between languages with his name….around English speakers he was Daniel and around Spanish speakers he said his name was Daniel’ (pronounced DanYELL’).  His Mom also bilingual said it wasn’t taught, it was acquired.

One set of our grandchildren, Noah and Christian, call us Babu and Bibi, Swahili for grandma and grandpa.  Marinus calls me Halmoni (Korean for grandma).  This has led to my split personality!  Mike is Babu to all three.

One time in Fort Dodge when the neighbor boy came over….Seven year old Noah  said we were his Grandma and Grandpa (not using Babu & Bibi).  When I asked him why…he looked at me perplexed and said “well he wouldn’t know!”  And in Bloomington, six year old Marinus took a Norweigian sweater to school for show and tell.  I asked her if she told them her Mor Mor and Papa (names for the other grandparents) had given it to her.  She said, "No…the other kids wouldn’t understand that – I said Grandma and Grandpa!"

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