Sunday, September 21, 2014

Class reunion

I think it was the summer before my senior year in high school that the Alta Advertiser, our local paper, carried an article and picture of an Alta High School class of those attending their 10 year reunion.  My notion was something like “they are really old!”  And now I’m back from celebrating the 50th reunion for the AHS class of 1964.  Am I really this old?

Our class of 45 is now 41. We lost four members to childbirth and cancer and all too young.  We had 30 classmates in attendance, an amazing 73% attendance.  I still smile when thinking about Ruth’s sheer joy when ISU beat UI (the football game) at the start of the dinner. Classmates drove in from Louisiana, Texas, and Kansas.  Others flew from California and Oregon.  Duane created an online dynamic scrapbook with history and updates of our lives.  Versa and I published a Scarlet & Black newsletter.  Clay and his wife “mapped” by zip code where we are all living.  Colene hosted a blog and also created a PowerPoint.  Sharon made and canned apple butter to reconnect with the girl classmates. Rita took pictures of everyone.

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