Monday, September 4, 2023

Momisms and Lessons from Grandma


·     Oh my stars

·     Let's keep this between us

·     You don't need all that sugar -when making Kool-Aid

·     Save the wrapping paper!

·     Ish!

·     Learn one new word each day

·     (Mom always kept a dictionary next to where she sat)

·     I wonder what new thing I will learn today

·     Even back then she had banned books and had to remove In the Night Kitchen because of the picture of the nude boy. Her grandchildren loved the banned book and have purchased it for her great grands

·     She gave her 3 year old grand a book about the Big Bang, who then challenged the Sunday School teacher who was sharing the Genesis creation story.

·     When Clara fell in 2017 and was still on the floor waiting for the ambulance, she suddenly lifted up her head and said, "Don't forget to take the garbage out...The truck will be here soon.

·     Time marches on...So, face the music.

·     The human condition is not perfect...We do what we can at that moment in time.

·     Still with the living?... Time to wake up and get going.

·     I feel too good today, so I guess I won't be dying tomorrow.

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