Thursday, May 28, 2015

Brenda's post

Mystery Question:

Why did Melvin die now, near the end of May?

            The songbirds have all returned and can be heard trilling their proclamations of joy in life.  The spring flowers have taken turns blossoming and shedding petals like confetti onto the greening grass and moist earth.  Hope and expectancy are in the air.  The lush days of summer lay ahead, waiting to be leisurely unfolded. 
            So, why would Melvin die just now?
            The answer lies in one of Melvin’s earliest memories from his childhood.  He remembered standing by the upstairs window on his family’s farm and looking out to watch the horse drawn school bus approach. His older brother Vernon would leave on the bus to go to a place of learning.  For some reason, Melvin felt a sense of joy in watching the approach and departure of the bus that took children to school. 
            That joy in connecting students to school stayed with Melvin throughout life.  It could be seen on the bulletin board above his desk at the old Alta school.  Each year, he mapped out the various bus routes with stick pins and colored threads, creating somewhat of a piece of art.  All the students in his district, no matter how rural the gravel road, would not be forgotten. 
            Melvin’s joy in creating educational opportunities always culminated during the flurry of end of the school year activities – track meets, music concerts, school picnics, excited children anticipating the final bell, and the graduating class, filled with potential, waiting for their commencement ceremony to begin.  These were Melvin’s glory days.  It was at this time in May that Melvin breathed his sense of accomplishment.  And, that is why Melvin died just now, near the end of May, when wrens are singing and spirea bushes are blossoming white.   Melvin has earned his achievement awards, and it is his time for commencement.
B.L. Samuelson

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