Aaron graduated from college and found himself working “part time” jobs often for 18 hours a day with two different sleep times of 3 hours each. He managed to put his nest egg together and moved to California to pursue acting.
After living again for a time with part time jobs he finally landed a job with benefits! Coincidentally he had noticed he’d get a cold/cough about every three months. So with his new insurance he headed to the doctor. The doctor listened to his chest and ordered x-rays. The doctor came in and said there must be a mistake and sent him down to the lab for another set of x-rays.
The doctor called Aaron into the office and asked if he had been abused as a child! He showed Aaron the X-rays and there were two pins in his lung. Aaron promptly asked the doctor if this was the latest medical joke!
An appointment was made with the ENT. Aaron of course called his mother about his abuse!!
He started on medicine. Later at home he starts coughing and hacks up a rusty pin with a white head. Aaron’s cogs start turning…one of his jobs in the twin cities was set up and take down of displays…involving using pins with white heads to attach the skirts to the tables.
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