Sunday, May 8, 2011

I Saw A Baby Born!

Little Jennifer Jean entered the world and I got to be there.  It is the first time I had seen (as opposed to participating) the complete birthing process.  What a privilege given to me by Norma and Mike.  I arrived at the hospital about 6:00 AM and Jenny was born about 2:50 PM.  Her Mommy labored hard and her Daddy was a great coach.  I was cheerleader and photographer.    I almost got to see her big brother Mark born but he was in distress and the birth was by C-section.

 ….as I watched…I felt tears running down my face…I hadn’t felt like crying but it was such a momentous event ….
As the little one was pushed out, I thought, who is to say if birthing or dying is more painful to the individual.  Little Jenny emerged, the cord was cut, and she met Mommy and Daddy crying.  After a move to the warming crib, a wipe down, a syringe in mouth and nose, she was weighed, measured, diapered, topped with a hat,  foot printed, and swaddled.  From then on for the next hour she was wide awake and looking at her world.

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