Tuesday, June 28, 2022

50 years


50 years of Ministry

Last Sunday (closest to June 18) we celebrated Mike’s 50 year ordination anniversary.  He was recognized at Trinity Lutheran where we are members.  Gretchen, Michael, Christian, and Andy were able to join us.  The Western Iowa Synod sent a plant to Trinity in recognition of the anniversary.

Service Recognition 

Gift from Western Iowa Synod

And 50 years ago, Mike was ordained at First Lutheran in Ottumwa.  We had been married four years.  His dad was present and read scripture.  Dr. Lingwall ordained Mike.  We had other family there to celebrate.  Mike had finished seminary at the end of May and I had finished the school year at Snail Lake in Mounds View…and I remember experiencing morning sickness.  Indeed Gretchen was born in January.

After the service
