Friday, September 25, 2020

Prairie Views


Our Loon Lake prairie has shared much beauty.  The big bluestem is as tall as I.  The little bluestem is also showing its beautiful color. 


Tiny lavender colored flowers

and bright yellow flowers

display along the lane.  

Tucked in are wild roses sharing their hips. 

rose hips

Along the stream we’ve had a big blue heron that flies off a curve in the water as we go by and (s)he is faster than I so no picture!

About three blocks from our home in Mason City is a strip of native prairie along the Winnebago River.  The association has been working to revive it after bushes and weedy material moved in.  Previously the fire department would do a controlled burn but as housing was built up that wasn’t allowed.  Now mechanical means are used AND in the third strip goats were brought in for the month of August.  It was fun and became a pause for many walkers to check out the seven goats as they munched for a month!