Monday, September 2, 2019

Picture Frames

In 2007 the barn on the farm was definitely aging. 

My dad explored salvaging the boards.  Dad and I went out to the farm and brought home a barn door.  

I taught at Storm Lake Middle School and Mike, the industrial arts teacher, was gracious (after roping him in) and cut the wood and created picture frames – 14 for the grandchildren of Marie and Adolph.  I used an aerial picture of the farm and gave them to my sisters and cousins.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Loon Lake Lutheran

(also pronounced Lootheran)

Throughout our 20 plus years at Loon Lake several times each summer we worship together at Loon Lake.  We sit on the couch, rockers, lawn chairs and the floor.  
Candles lighted.

We use the out of date hymnal currently the green LBW. 

Often a devotional book by Rueben Youngdahl will be brought out along with Egemeiers Bible Stories or the Spark Bible.

We have scripture and singing.

Often Mike will offer thoughts but not always.  

My biggest smile came when Myles age 3 asked Gretchen to take him to the nursery!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Danish Plates

When we were married fifty years ago my grandma gave us a Bing and Grondahl  Christmas plate.  

She then gifted me with a Royal Copenhagen Mother’s Day plate when our children were born.  

In celebrating  Grandma’s tradition we have gifted our children with B & G plates for their weddings and also Royal Copenhagen Mother’s Day plates when each grandchild was born.

And this year we celebrated our 50 years with a B & G Christmas plate.