Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Grand Marshal

Son Andy was named grand marshal of the homecoming parade at Luther. He didn’t think he was old enough!

Unbelievably he graduated 20 years ago from Luther.  He started teaching at Tipton, and then moved to Flagstaff to start his Masters.  After being granted his degree, he resumed teaching at Xavier High School in Cedar Rapids. Then it was off to Lincoln to work on his doctorate.  After completing his doctorate, he was off to Luther and conductor of Collegiate Choir and Norsemen.  This fall he is conducting Nordic Choir.

Miriam Webster defines a grand marshal as a person honored as the ceremonial marshal of a parade.  My vision had Andy sitting on the back of a convertible…perhaps a Norse blue or white convertible…decorated with streamers.  His sister had helpfully provided a video on 3 royal waves to use. And this is the picture I received.