Monday, November 11, 2013

Master Gardener

This fall I signed up for Master Gardener through ISU extension.  This is a comprehensive class consisting of 40 class hours and 40 volunteer hours to complete the first year.  To say I’ve learned the content is a stretch….I’ve been taught more than I ever knew about gardening.  ISU Horticulture professors present a 3 hour segment and start by saying “I’ll be presenting tonight everything I teach in a 3 hour semester course!” 

I’ve started some of my volunteer hours at the garden surrounding an old schoolhouse located on the North Iowa Fairgrounds.  On various days I’ve worked there for 7+ hours cutting dead material, raking, discovering labels and wooden cutout whimsy.  and of course there is always litter.

Mike cutting out a volunteer (tree)

hosta clean-up

I’ve also done some exploring on the internet for some of the plants like Tabby grass which looks like it is something cats like to eat.