Monday, June 17, 2013

Two days in a row of beautiful days at Loon…mowing grass that was (my) calf-high and had probably gone to seed twice!  The mosquitoes are apparently famished!

I picked up stones in the upper prairie and created a stone stacking probably not artistic but satisfying for me. I also finished broadcasting native seed on the lower prairie – where I burned two weeks ago!

Ask friend Floriana about hardiness of Canadian anemone!
Mike covering jet ski lift.
Scouring rush, horsetails or tinker toys!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Life’s Adventures

Life’s Little Adventures

We spent about two weeks at Loon in May – with several trips to Storm Lake to mow.  It was mostly cold and rainy with some glorious days sandwiched between.  Many tiny spring flowers were blooming on the prairie. 

 In another area where the fire department burned last fall, we worked to get it ready to sow some native grasses.  Our faithful neighbor had sprayed it with Round-Up and then we mowed and even did some raking so the seed wouldn’t be on top of the thatch.  On Saturday we burned some of the thatch…there was a breeze but the thatch was damp so with raking and tending we did get some to burn.  It took many times of trying to light the fire.  On Sunday I went back to try again and was raking and on the first try it started to burn.  I stayed with it and then it took off.  The area is bounded by water on two sides and a road on the third.  But I panicked and ran for Mike and the neighbors and when we returned it had doubled in size but burned out at the water!  Whew.  The neighbors said it was an excellent burn!    I was relieved.