In early 2000 Mike and I stopped at the Williamsburg outlet mall to get some luggage for me. (My H.S. graduation gift of red hard-sided American Tourister (with the bellhop key!) had lots of trips but not much travel.) We found a two piece set of American Tourister called Kenya. I liked the color and the thought of what Kenya luggage might bring. Little did I know these suitcases would take me to Galveston, San Diego, San Francisco, Indianapolis, Charleston, Vancouver, Wisconsin, Florida, Rwanda, Chile, Israel/Palestine and now my 8th trip to Tanzania. Only once have I arrived without my suitcase and that was delivered via our very generous hosts to the interior of Tanzania a week later. Of course my Kenya luggage has also taken trips to Minneapolis, Des Moines, Pittsburgh, Fort Dodge, Lincoln, Decorah and many other towns in Western Iowa. BUT as yet it has never been to Kenya! I’ve kept journals of our travels. I wonder what I could read if my Kenya suitcases had kept a journal.