Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christ has no hands but your hands

Christ has no hands but your hands…..Mike often ends services with this benediction.
Christ has no body on earth but yours,
No hands on earth but your hands,
Yours are the eyes through which
 He looks out with compassion upon the world;
Yours the feet with which
He chooses to go about doing good;
For as He is the Head so we are the members
And we are all one in Christ Jesus.

 I’ve thought of that this fall as Anita was transitioning from this life to eternal life.  The many hands that helped her during this time…  Jay’s hands that comforted and cared for her, her children’s and grandchildren’s, her sisters and others.   Christ’s hands moved through the caregivers at the hospital, nurses, aides, doctors, social worker, and the young woman who considered it a privilege not only to help cook the food but deliver it to Anita.  Those that talked, discussed, perhaps argued about faith with Anita.  Those hands that helped help plan and implement her last ‘concert’ on earth.  The hands that gently prepared her earthly body, the hands that led the mass, and the hands that carefully carried her as her soul soared.
It was hard but I remember and give thanks for all the hands in Anita’s life and transition.